Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A big trip to....Reno

In the middle of April we got the privilege of going to see my family in Reno. Everyone looks at me really strangely when I say we went to Reno for a week. I guess people don't find it much of a destination. I was actually born there and lived there for a bit of my early childhood. And my mom's family lives there...as well as my dad and little sister. I haven't been around since then except for one spring break when I was 16 my mom and I went down for a visit. Shaun and the girls has never met most of my family and so this was a first for them as well.
I can't explain to you all that went on for me in this trip because there is just too much internally. It was good though.
There is nothing quite like your family of origin. Just being around them is nice. I've missed it. I just soaked in all the people all week. I don't regret not being around because I can't go back and change it but there is something about knowing where you come from, who your people are, knowing that they love you and being there for the hugs that is so important. There is a comfort there that can be found nowhere else on earth. I think it helped Shaun to understand me a bit more too.
I am so thankful that we got to go. I will mull over that visit for awhile. I am hopeful it will be a more frequent event.
And in July we get to go down to Rodondo Beach and visit with my dad's side...it's a big year. :)

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