Friday, May 28, 2010


I am going through Beth Moore's study on Daniel for my morning devotions. Today I completed the first week of 12. This last one hit the nail on the head so to speak. As you know I am in the process of losing weight one teeny tiny itsy bitsy baby step at a time. Well today's study was on "resolve". Daniel 1:8 starts with these 2 words "Daniel resolved...". Do you think Daniel would of had to "resolve" if it was easy enough to accomplish what he was setting out to do(which, by the way, was live a Godly life in the midst of a world that had no concept of that)?No he had to resolve because it was not just gonna happen and it was not easy...he had to be intentional about every moment of every day.
Now Beth was talking about Godliness and I figure I can use this concept in the area of physical fitness because the rule applies. She said "...never accidental. Neither is victory coincidental. Both stem from up-front, daily resolve. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-Y." Then she started talking about integrity. "The Latin word for 'integrity' means 'entire'. The essence of the term is wholeness and completeness. Integrity is 'the quality or state of being complete or undivided.' you can see, therefore, how much integrity depends on consistency." Then she contrasted perfection and the kind of consistency that breeds integrity. "...we will never reach perfection in this lifetime on planet Earth, but we can certainly reach consistency."
So I resolve.

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