Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Disillusioned (not for the first or last time I imagine)

So maybe this has become my journal...I promise not to bore you EVERY day...or twice a day like this! BUT...
Shaun and I just watched a movie called "The Road to Guantanamo". It's about 3 British boys who were held in Guantanamo military prison for 3 years with no charges or trials. It is said that 750 prisoners have gone through this prison and only 10 have been charged...500 are still there (I believe I have the numbers correct but don't quote me on it).
ok tuck your toes in...because here comes a rant...
What is going on? That is not the America I grew up believing in!!!
You know the interesting thing about the poster for this movie that you are looking at is that the film board didn't approve it. They only allowed the manacled hands to be on the know why? Because it might disturb children... showing know what? I've seen some very demonic and scary film posters for scary movies...where were they then this film board who was so worried about scaring children?
I was so enraged by what I saw that I'm still awake! And that's saying something for a woman who has a daughter who was up A LOT last night I'm TIRED! And I cherish my sleep at this point in my life. But I'm so mad and the stupid thing is I feel impotent to do anything.
Now I went to the web page: and I was pleased to see that they have a page that is headed "get active" and it tells people how to help...that is what bothered me about the movie "Human Trafficking". It didn't tell you how to help. We in the West have the ability to make a difference in so many things. I've been asking myself...What am I passionate about? Shaun and I are determined to make a difference in that area! We will find a way. The beauty about people is that we are not all passionate about the same if we all look at ourselves and see what makes us tick then perhaps we could as a collective whole make a whole difference...pipe dream? Maybe! But I'm willing to try.
I know there will never be peace on Revelations! Never! Well until the Lord until then be a piece of hope to the hopeless. Without hope...what is there?
Ok I'm can untuck your toes :)
Oh...I suppose the the good news is that I know the end of the story...the good guy He MORE than wins!
the verse that keeps coming back into my head is is Psalm 82: 3,4 " Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. 4 Deliver them from the hand of the wicked" There are many more along that line...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


The whole thing about war and prisioners is definitely not pretty from any perspective or any country. Thank you for reminding us about following our passions. Having a passion for something is vital for all of us. Without a vision (passion) the people perish.

Make a difference! Take me along with you in this journey and inspire me to make a difference too!
