Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Heaven Shifts

A few days ago I had the privilege of being in a room of about 20 mighty women of God.  These girls are world changers.
We were at a birthday party. Let me tell you I love how these girls do birthday parties.  We brought lots of good eats.  We chatted for a little bit. Then we sat down and went around the room and each person present verbally blessed the birthday girl. And then the birthday girl verbally blessed us.
I love listening to people's stories.  This practice of verbally blessing someone gives the listener a chance to learn more of a person's store and how their story weaves into other people's stories.  I love listening to people share how others have touched their lives, made an impact, made it better, and have drawn the other closer to Jesus as a result.
We then prayed over the birthday girl. Have you ever been in a room with 20 women praying with all they have? If not I highly recommend it.  That night I saw and felt Heaven shift as these women prayed.  God met us there. One of the sweetest sounds all night came at a moment when we were all focused in on praying for the birthday girl...and then she started praying.  She began to pray over one of the dearest ones among us.  We had been gathered around our birthday girl and then as she began to pray I could hear the shuffling over of knees on the carpet as they gathered around this dear one.  It made my heart smile.  It touched me to the very deepest parts of my soul.
When women are united in one purpose...watch out world!  And when that purpose is around the purposes of God....I'm telling you, Heaven shifts.

I'm not very good at attending things that have no purpose other than to sit around and gossip.  Likely, I'm like this because I have learned the hard way that my tongue, when rudderless, will steer me in a destructive way, without exception.  I have to have purpose in what I'm doing.  I think this was another reason why I enjoyed this night so much.  This is not to say we didn't have many great laughs.  We were in no way serious the whole night. These girls know how to laugh! And laugh!

They know how to laugh and they know how to cry.  We need both. It weaves out hearts together. It goes a long way in refreshing our souls.

I pray that you have a night that you see Heaven Shift.

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