Thursday, October 2, 2014

3 1/2 Months In

I cannot believe it 's been 14 weeks since we pulled away, in our moving truck, from B.C.  So much has changed in our worlds.  For the last little while, since I've been working, I have had no mental space to really contemplate it.  Before that I was unpacking boxes. Before that I was in a car driving away from my home.  Before that I was packing boxes and saying goodbye and single-parenting it.  Before that I was in Israel.  Before that we were contemplating our world tilting and shifting.  Before that we were happy in our world of running a business and being immersed in a wonderful community.  It's been awhile since all the "before that" craziness began...and once it began...there was no stopping it.
This past weekend, while we were celebrating our anniversary, all of it hit me like a ton of bricks.  All of the change caught up with me.  When you're in it you just do it and keep time to process.  You have moments when you think "hmmmm wonder what I think of all of this?"  and then you keep going.  I must say, I think that's a great process later...for me.  In the midst it'd be too much (at least for me) and likely I would have ended up catatonic.  But later, when a lot of things are sorted and I are beginning to settle in and most of the chaos is's ok for it all to catch up with me. I'm better able to handle it.
So...the girls did not get into the school that we have them on a waitlist for (they're still on the waitlist).  They are in a different school...a good school by all accounts.  I don't honestly know because I haven't been in their classrooms because I am working.  The second week of school M went off on a 3 day trip with her was so very weird sending her with strangers.  I didn't like the feeling...but she came back happy and well.  As a parent, it's a content releasing of your children..this move has required more than I thought in that area.  But, the girls tell me they are making friends and that they like their teachers.  So, that is good!  It definitely keeps me on my knees.  I was used to being in their classrooms a lot and knowing the families that they were interacting with.  So this school year I am learning that, as much as I love my children, their Heavenly Father loves them beyond descriptive words and cares about, and for, everything that has to do with them.  I leave them in His hands...there is no better place they can be. Often, instead of choosing worry and fear, I choose that.
Our new jobs: I love my job. I am so thankful for it.  The people I work with are absolutely wonderful.  I couldn't have asked for a better situation in a job.  This job and the people in it are a blessing to me. I have met so many lovely people.  They have grace for my newness to the area and the job. I am adjusting to not being the boss...and I have to say it is indeed lovely to shut down my computer at the end of the day and walk out the door and know that my job is done for the well as my responsibilities.  I have been so encouraged and bolstered in the last 6 weeks.
Shaun is also adjusting well into his job.  He is enjoying working with his brother.  It's busy and has a never-ending list but he is enjoying the fact that while his job is his responsibility...some things are above his pay-grade and that's a good thing! He gets to shut everything down and come home and not think about work.  A great employee benefit.
Family: When we moved we left behind grandparents from both sides of the family and that has been hard. But we are now close to Shaun's brother and his family which means uncle, auntie, and cousin time.  There have already been some sweet moments.  We are so very thankful for them.
Our church: It's so amazing to walk into church and already recognize so many faces...another benefit from working at the church.  Next Tuesday, we begin going to a community group.  We are looking forward to getting to know some people better.  While we recognize faces and are getting to know more and more names...we still don't know people yet...and that's to be expected. It takes time! That's one of the things I find hardest about moving...the work required to form a thriving vibrant community...the work and the length of time it takes.  But in the end, we've learned, that it is well worth it. But it does take a lot out of an introvert like me.

We still can say with utmost confidence that, as we walk step by step, we see His fingerprints all over this.  I am thankful for His presence all around us.  I am thankful for the people that He has put in our path.  I am thankful that I cannot always see what's around the next bend...only enough so I know where to walk.  I am thankful for my husband...he is still the favourite part of my every day. I am thankful for our children...who bring me so much joy.  Their upturned smiling faces. The stories they bring home that tell me about their day and the people in it.  Their hugs.  I am thankful for life and a new day to pursue my Creator.
So much to be thankful for in the midst of the adjusting.

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